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Lumos Transforms
Intro to The Resilience Toolkit

Reduce stress and grow resilience with
The Resilience Toolkit.

Discover a transformative stress management and trauma healing modality in this 3-part workshop. Whether you’re seeking personal growth or looking to expand your professional skills, this workshop is designed to empower you with an accessible, somatic, and liberation-focused approach to healing and growth.

Sign up for an upcoming session!

Intro to The Resilience Toolkit sessions happen LIVE in our exclusive virtual community. When you sign up today, you’ll receive one month of free membership.

This intimate, experiential class explores how stress affects the body, emotions, and relationships. With The Resilience Toolkit, you will:
  • Identify what is stealing your resilience
  • Reclaim your energy, time, and well-being
  • Develop deeper self-knowing and self-trust
  • Create and hold healthy boundaries
  • Cultivate more compassion and connection to yourself and others

The Resilience Toolkit is the only programme we feel as an organisation we can wholeheartedly advocate for when we are asked by peers in the field of health, medicine and or social change on trauma or resilience training. We have yet to find another programme with the deep rigour, accessibility and cohesiveness that this programme offers. Each of the trainers are deeply embedded in the work and the richness is overflowing.

Farzana KahnExecutive Co-Director, Healing Justice London

This is filling a needed gap in today’s world of mindfulness!


Before this class, if I was stressed out I would isolate myself from friends and family. Now that I have tools, it is easier to regulate/control my stress around people.


I very much enjoyed learning the simple yet effective body-based techniques taught in The Resilience Toolkit. Just a few motions and a few minutes to reset to a more balanced body and mind has very much helped soothe my day-to-day stresses and irritations.

Melanie Williams,Compliance/Regulatory Associate

At the risk of sounding melodramatic, I can honestly say that this class has literally saved my life. I'm not sure how much longer I would have been able to keep coping with the pain, anxiety, depression, and high -stress levels that I've been living with for most of my life. Now, I actually have hope. In my health, my life, and my future.


Where are you on the path to healing, connection, and liberation?

Intro to The Resilience Toolkit is the second in a sequence of offerings from Lumos Transforms. Roadmap to Trauma Healing is not a prerequisite for taking an Intro series, but will give you a baseline understanding of stress, trauma, and trauma healing.

The Resilience Toolkit provides a framework to help people:
  • Recognize and break free from patterns that drain resilience
  • Apply regulation skills that honor cultural and historical experiences
  • Build resilience over time, equipping participants with the tools to face life’s challenges with courage, compassion, and grace
  • Grow the capacity to actively resist and transform systems and circumstances that inflict harm and trauma on individuals and communities
Learn More About The Toolkit

Registration includes:

Live closed captioning is offered for the deaf and hard of hearing.

The Resilience Toolkit is meant for all body types and is easily adaptable for any fitness level or mobility challenge.
This is a standalone offering that prepares you to independently practice The Resilience Toolkit. Those seeking additional community and support can join The Alchemical Resilience Collective. Professionals seeking to integrate The Resilience Toolkit into their work can pursue the Facilitator Certification Program, joining a global community of Facilitators across North America, Europe, and Africa.

The Resilience Toolkit introduced me to techniques to help me connect more to my body. As much as I was experiencing severe anxiety, I wasn’t understanding how it was affecting my mind/body connection. Through compassion, understanding, enlightenment, and positive energy, I began to make that connection. I am now living a life with less anxiety than I had before. To me, that is a blessing.

Brian Goldman

The Resilience Toolkit helped me shift my paradigm from pathology to non-judgment. The acknowledgment of innate biological states and the tools offered to downregulate the nervous system are very profound. I’ve been practicing mindfulness and yoga for years and I see now that this trauma-informed piece had been missing.

Beth Quayle,Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist

I am so grateful that this Toolkits exists the way it does. It’s straightforward without being abrasive, and simple to learn but undeniably potent and paradigm shifting. This is something I feel all types of organizations and persons could benefit greatly from. Something I wished I learned early on. Something that I feel is paving a lasting path of healing and liberation.

Ayla Rose

As a physical therapist, I am acutely aware of the effects of stress on my patients’ bodies. I had been searching for new tools to help patients (and myself) mitigate stress’ harmful patterns. Mindfulness practices seem to help, but something was missing. The Resilience Toolkit workshop was exactly what I was looking for. What a novel and enlightening approach to understanding stress! You will learn how to recognize your body’s manifestations of stress and what to do about it. Moreover, you will learn behavioral change techniques to allow you to consistently incorporate the Toolkit into your daily life. I am so grateful for this powerful, important, and much-needed information.

Chantal Donnelly,MPT

Our Commitment to Accessibility

Lumos Transforms wants to make sure everyone can take part in our programs. Our sliding-scale pricing helps you contribute in a way that is fair while considering current and historical inequity and your own identities. 
This ticket is for those who are able to pay the full rate or who are sponsored by an employer, community organization, or personal network.
This ticket is offered at a supported rate and is for those who cannot afford the full cost or do not have their registration sponsored.
Limit of 3 spots.
This ticket is offered as a scholarship for those who are having trouble meeting their basic needs (housing, food, healthcare), and for whom paying for this class would be a financial hardship.
Limit of 2 spots.
Here are some things to think about when choosing your ticket level.
  • Your race 
  • Your immigration status 
  • Your sexuality/gender identities
  • Your physical ability
  • Your education level
  • Your socioeconomic position or current income
  • How you may have benefitted from family wealth
  • Your power in your workplace or industry
  • Whether you are supporting your family financially or as a full-time caregiver
  • Whether you are located in the Global North or South
Choose your session here!

Empower your body to heal itself and open up to a greater sense of joy and wholeness.

The framework used at:

LA County Health Services
healing justice ldn
UC Berkeley
Office of Violence Prevention
Santa Barbara City College
Outdoor Afro
Color Congress
UnCommon Law
LA County Department of Public Health
Embody Lab

Have a question or need help signing up?

Explore the other offerings from Lumos Transforms!