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Lumos Transforms

Desiree F. Magsombol

Services Offered:

  • Consultation
  • Group Facilitation
  • Partnership Development
  • Program Development and Evaluation
  • Speaking Engagements
  • Works With Individuals

Languages: English

Time Zone: UTC-07:00, Pacific US

Location: South Bay, Southern California, USA (Tongva Lands)

Works Online: yes

Phone: +1-323-254-7775 x107

Desiree F. Magsombol JD (sikatu/she)

Desiree F. Magsombol JD practices the art of remembrance, honoring the profound healing capacity of our bodies, our wholeness, and our interconnectedness. She deeply believes that true healing and liberation flourish within the bonds of relationships and community.

At Lumos, Desiree creates warm, supportive spaces for people to share, explore, and grow together. As the Virtual Community Coordinator, she facilitates the Mighty Networks space. As as a facilitator, she also leads community and organizational workshops, offers consultation and training, and designs programs that foster resilience and trauma-informed change. Projects she has led like the eTIRO training for LA County’s Department of Public Health and the Resilience Toolkit for Muslim women center on the creation of spaces for connection and collective healing.

Desiree’s journey into community consciousness began with youth organizing for Filipino WWII Veterans and anti-war efforts in university. Her understanding of institutional impact on families and communities deepened as a law clerk at Legal Services for Prisoners with Children, working on the Habeas Project for survivors of domestic and sexual violence. Her commitment to community and healing led her to advocate for foster youth, LGBTQIA2S survivors, and those impacted by sexual violence in prisons. She has developed policies, provided training, audit support for many prisons and jails across the US with a non-profit and on contract with the National Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA) Resource Center.

Desiree supported the staff at Rosebud Sioux Tribe’s Wanbli Wiconi Tipi Juvenile Detention Center in Rosebud, SD, with their Bureau of Justice Assistance PREA Implementation model project. She co-facilitated stakeholder discussion groups to inform training, programming, and a detailed partnership with White Buffalo Calf Women’s Society, IHS, and Tribal law enforcement,  for trauma-informed victim services, and drafted  JDC’s PREA policy.

In her free time, Desiree supports the open-door culture of Masjid Al-Shareef in Long Beach, mentors in the Birthworkers of Color Collective, and volunteers in a mediation program in the Orange County courts. She loves making up stories with her little one, savoring the scents of the beach and eucalyptus trees, and spending time with loved ones.

Thank you so much to Desiree for the course. It was honestly beyond my expectations and I'm feeling excited to learn more.

Genevieve TurnerIntro to The Resilience Toolkit

I feel so grateful for the acceptance on the course and the learning to understand and recognize the particularities of my stress and trauma response.

Claudia ReyesIntro to The Resilience Toolkit

I thought Desiree was clear, fun, engaging and really connected to the content. I thought they gave really good examples to demonstrate some things and I thought the way the space was set up really encouraged a feeling of safety.

AnonymousResilience for Liberation

Work with Desiree:


  • Tension & Trauma Releasing Exercises (TRE®)
  • The Resilience Toolkit


  • Individual Initial Session | 60 minutes | $150
  • Individual Return Session | 60 minutes | $150
  • Individual Brief Session | 30 minutes | $75