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Lumos Transforms
Activate alchemical resilience with The Resilience Toolkit 2
Take the next step in your resilience journey and join us for The Resilience Toolkit 2. Enhance your understanding of stress and trauma, and learn how to apply this knowledge to create more positive change in your life. Sign up now and gain the support and guidance you need to navigate the world with alchemical resilience.

Sign up for an upcoming session!

You took Intro to the Resilience Toolkit and told us you wanted more. We listened!

We heard you when you said, “I have more questions,” and “I wish this course was longer.”  So by popular demand, we’ve created The Resilience Toolkit 2. Toolkit 2 builds on everything you learned about stress and trauma in the first series while offering even more insight, tools, and support.

The Resilience Toolkit 2 is for anyone who is seeking a more nuanced and embodied understanding of stress, trauma, and how social conditions affect our personal and collective well-being.

This 3-part workshop builds on the success of Intro to The Resilience Toolkit, diving deep into how you can apply the Toolkit to support your wellness and growth.

Where are you on your healing journey?

Intro to The Resilience Toolkit is a prerequisite for Toolkit 2. If you haven’t already, register for the 3-part Intro to The Toolkit first before joining us here!

alchemical resilience

The flexible strength to heal, overcome adversity, and change systems of inequity and oppression into places where we thrive.

The Resilience Toolkit 2 illuminates a clear path to alchemical resilience, giving you the knowledge, tools, and support you need to navigate challenges, from the personal to the political.

There is no doubt in my mind that these tools, the practice, the healing in community can help to bend the arc toward justice and liberation.

Ti Wilhelm

I felt so much calmer in the last week. Things that would have made me anxious in the past did not. I can’t say for sure if the workshop caused this, but I feel fairly certain that a regular tremor practice has contributed greatly to my well-being. Now that I have The Toolkit to work with also, I feel even more equipped to deal with daily stresses


I absolutely loved The Resilience Toolkit 2, and hope it will continue to be offered! It really increased my understanding of alchemical resilience and my commitment to building capacity in myself to work towards alchemical resilience.I could really always live by Nkem's tagline "We get free together!"

Lisbeth Pelsue

Participating in the class helped me see/remember how impactful these tools are and helped to reinvigorate my own practices and commitment to sharing the Toolkit. It was the perfect boost at the perfect time. I really loved hearing from other learners about their experiences applying the toolkit.

Amy Kellestine
In The Resilience Toolkit 2 you will:
  • Overcome barriers and solidify supports to your practice of The Resilience Toolkit
  • Increase your familiarity with and comfort using The Toolkit
  • Dive deeper into theories of stress activation, exploring topics like appeasement and hypervigilance
  • Understand how social hierarchies create and exacerbate stress and trauma
  • Harness the science of behavior change to disrupt negative behaviors and nurture positive habits
  • Increase your capacity to self-advocate and leave harmful circumstances

The Resilience Toolkit 2 – Course Outline


Nurturing a Sustained Toolkit Practice
  • Baseline practices for reducing chronic stress
  • Change readiness and cycles of transformation
  • Tiny habits to support action


Deepening Internal Authority and Autonomy
  • Guiding questions and getting to know YOU
  • Rescue practices for acute stress activation
  • Appeasement and relating across power hierarchies


Activating Alchemical Resilience
  • Calming hypervigilance
  • Unwinding of chronic stress states
  • Small practices and big moves
With Toolkit 2, you’ll get more knowledge, more personal exploration, more opportunities for sharing and connection, and more space for relaxation and rest.
Each session consists of:
  • Instruction
  • Facilitated Toolkit practice
  • Personal reflection
  • Small group discussion
  • Moderated large group discussion
  • Q&A
Sign up for The Resilience Toolkit 2 and you get:
  • Three, 90-minute sessions, LIVE on Zoom
  • Small group setting – limited to 15 participants
  • Digital copy of The Resilience Toolkit 2 Workbook
  • 20% off your first month of membership to The Alchemical Resilience Collective (after completing course evaluation)

Pricing & Our Commitment to Accessibility

Lumos Transforms wants to make sure everyone can take part in our programs. Our sliding-scale pricing helps you contribute in a way that is fair while considering current and historical inequity and your own identities. 
FAIR: $200
This ticket is for those who are able to pay the full rate or who are sponsored by an employer, community organization, or personal network.
This ticket is offered at a supported rate and is for those who cannot afford the full cost or do not have their registration sponsored.
This ticket is offered as a scholarship for those who are having trouble meeting their basic needs (housing, food, healthcare), and for whom paying for this class would be a financial hardship.
Here are some things to think about when choosing which ticket to purchase:
  • Your race 
  • Your immigration status 
  • Your sexuality/gender identities
  • Your physical ability
  • Your education level
  • Your socioeconomic position or current income
  • How you may have benefitted from family wealth
  • Your power in your workplace or industry
  • Whether you are supporting your family financially or as a full-time caregiver
  • Whether you are located in the Global North or South

I have been studying the nervous system for several years and done other classes and read books but the Resilience Toolkit is by far my favorite and most effective. Toolkit 2 gave me some new tools to overcome blockages that were preventing me from using the tremor more frequently and that has been a game changer for me. The work on appeasement is also incredibly helpful and I think everyone needs it.

Brielle Epstein

I found this workshop tremendously helpful and effective as it was. I found the breakout groups and questions very helpful. I found the facilitation stunning, the ways questions were honoured and recorded, and returned to in an organized manner, based on where they fit within the materials and course as a whole.


I am grateful for the experience and the tools provided in this course to traverse the more emotionally uncomfortable times of transformation, self reflection and expansion. As a DEIA focused professional it also gave me deeper language to tie into discussions of why a trauma informed lens is so important when doing the work and discussing organizational/systemic change.


Toolkit 2 felt essential to my continued growth and learning, and to understanding my social nervous system within the larger systemic and ideological context. I appreciate the ways we talked about power.


Meet the Toolkit 2 Facilitation Team

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