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Lumos Transforms
The Alchemical Resilience Collective

Create space for healing and transformation with

The Alchemical Resilience Collective

The Alchemical Resilience Collective (ARC) is for anyone who wants additional support and accountability in their practice of The Resilience Toolkit and for individuals pursuing The Resilience Toolkit Facilitator Certification Program.

“A grounded and grounding bright light in a time of chaos. A soft guided space of inquiry. A necessary space of healing in a time of chaos, disruption, and transformation.”

– Anonymous

The ARC is a monthly subscription that gives you access to an exclusive online community of practice. With 5 different live group sessions to choose from each week, you can attend as many sessions as you like.

In ARC meetings, you’ll get a safe and supportive environment for you to practice and hone your resilience skills. With our help, you can gain the flexible strength to meet and effectively respond to the challenges of life.

ARC members say they:
  • Feel more settled
  • Are more connected to themselves and others
  • Make more resilient moves in their lives
Sign Up Now
“I have much more choice. I continue to grow and to be able to choose responses rather than react. There is more and more space in me.”

– Raggi Kotak

Where are you on your journey?

ARC group meetings are led by experienced facilitators and are open to individuals of all backgrounds and levels of experience.

To be eligible to join, take Intro to The Resilience Toolkit or work privately with a Certified Facilitator of The Resilience Toolkit.


Once enrolled, choose group times that work for your schedule. There are currently six different sessions per week. 
Mondays, 12:00 PM PT with Desiree Magsombol
Tuesdays 9:00 AM PT with Gia Hasan
Wednesdays 6:00 PM PT with Nkem Ndefo
Thursdays 6:00 PM PT with Mikaela Lynn
Saturdays 9:00 AM PT – Facilitator rotates
  • July – Kiara
  • August – Desiree
  • September – Gia 
  • October – Desiree


Join ARC as a subscriber– three different price levels to choose from.
  • Unlimited ARC sessions
  • Membership in the exclusive Lumos Transforms online community
  • Access to special events such as Q&As, guest speakers, and social gatherings
  • Cancel anytime


Lumos Transforms wants to make sure everyone can take part in our programs. Our sliding-scale pricing helps you contribute in a way that is fair while considering current and historical inequity and your own identities.

Here are some things to think about when choosing which ticket to purchase:

  • Your race
  • Your immigration status
  • Your sexuality/gender identities
  • Your physical ability
  • Your education level
  • Your socioeconomic position or current income
  • How you may have benefitted from family wealth
  • Your power in your workplace or industry
  • Whether you are supporting your family financially or as a full-time caregiver
  • Whether you are located in the Global North or South


$99 billed monthly
Sign up as a Sustainer


$78 billed monthly
Sign up with Fair Pricing


$39 billed monthly
Sign up with Supported Pricing

As a member of the Alchemical Resilience Collective, you’ll receive personalized insight, feedback, and suggestions from your facilitator during your weekly meetings. Choose the same facilitator each week, or mix it up to suit your schedule. Attend one session or up to all five!

When you join the ARC you’ll be part of a supportive, inclusive community of like-minded individuals who are all working towards the same goals–individual healing and our collective liberation.

ARC members develop:
  • An inner sense of knowing
  • The capacity to navigate intense feelings and situations
  • The ability to set and hold clear boundaries
  • A sense of belonging and connection
Sign Up Now
“The clarity around what does and does not work for me is happening daily as opposed to random and sparse. I’m more able to make informed choices that serve the community AND me. I’m able to step beyond the drama and find other ways to manage other people’s upsets.” 

– Emma J Coddington Brown

The Alchemical Resilience Collective Team

Gia Hasan
Kiara Lee
Mikaela Lynn
Desiree Magsombol
Nkem Ndefo
Devika Shankar


>>> How to determine your pricing level

Lumos Transforms wants to make sure everyone can take part in our programs. Our sliding-scale pricing helps you contribute in a way that is fair while considering current and historical inequity and your own identities.

Here are some things to think about when choosing which ticket to purchase:

  • Your race
  • Your immigration status
  • Your sexuality/gender identities
  • Your physical ability
  • Your education level
  • Your socioeconomic position or current income
  • How you may have benefitted from family wealth
  • Your power in your workplace or industry
  • Whether you are supporting your family financially or as a full-time caregiver
  • Whether you are located in the Global North or South
  • Unlimited ARC sessions
  • Membership in the exclusive Lumos Transforms online community
  • Access to special events such as Q&As, guest speakers, and social gatherings
  • Cancel anytime
  • $99 billed monthly
Sign up as a Sustainer
  • $78 billed monthly
Sign up with Fair Pricing
Partially Supported
  • $39 billed monthly
Sign up with Partially Supported Pricing

Have questions or need help signing up? Fill out the form below or contact us at or +1-323-254-7775. We’ll get back to you shortly!

Explore the other offerings from Lumos Transforms!