Do you find yourself turning to harmful substances or behaviors when you’re stressed? You’re not alone! Many people struggle with addiction or compulsive behaviors as a way of coping with difficult situations and emotions.
Even with long-term abstinence in one area, so many people play recovery whack-a-mole, with one substance or behavior replacing the other!
It’s hard to break these patterns on your own–especially without strategies that get to the root of your stress and suffering.
Sign up for an upcoming session!
Live closed captioning is offered for the deaf and hard of hearing. Payment plans and scholarships are available.
Interrupt the stress-addiction cycle with The Resilience Toolkit for Recovery
In this 3-part workshop you will:

Discover how to safely and quickly relax when triggered by stressful situations
Develop deeper self-knowing and self-trust
Practice strategies that help you abstain from your problematic substance or behavior
Learn how to recover more quickly from relapses to unwanted behavior
Cultivate more compassion and connection to yourself and others
The Toolkit for Recovery is designed to meet you where you are, providing a safe and supportive space to explore your unique situation and develop a plan for changing unwanted behaviors.
All are welcome to attend, no matter where you are in your recovery journey.
There is no abstinence requirement to participate.

The Resilience Toolkit for Recovery is for anyone who
Is struggling with stopping or reducing their use of substances such as:
- Alcohol
- Tobacco
- Narcotics
- Stimulants
Wants to stop or reduce unwanted behaviors such as:
- Overeating and/or binge eating
- Restricting food and/or dieting
- Compulsions around sex and pornography
- Obsessions around love and relationships
- Codependence
- Shopping or spending
- Gambling
- Technology or social media use
- Repetitive body focused behavior
Is practicing abstinence from substances or behaviors and wants to:
- Work on secondary addictions or compulsions
- Supplement their existing recovery program
- Decrease cravings and prevent relapse
- Experience greater peace and wellbeing
- Deepen their connection to self
Sign up for an upcoming session!
Live closed captioning is offered for the deaf and hard of hearing. Payment plans and scholarships are available.

Registration includes:
Three 90-minute sessions – live on Zoom
Intimate, small-group setting with personalized facilitation
Digital copy of The Resilience Toolkit Workbook
Eligibility to join The Alchemical Resilience Collective
The Resilience Toolkit for Recovery Difference
The Resilience Toolkit for Recovery is a unique approach to recovery that focuses on building resilience rather than just eliminating addiction. While abstinence from harmful substances or behaviors is an important goal, we recognize that avoiding triggers or stressful situations is not always possible. That’s why we provide you with the tools you need to reduce overall stress and respond to triggers in a supportive way rather than simply avoiding them.
While some approaches to recovery are very thinking-heavy, we take a body-first approach. The Resilience Toolkit for Recovery reconnects you to the wisdom of your body–helping you cultivate a sense of internal calm and deeper self-trust. It is from this safe and settled place that you can meet the ups and downs of life without having to reach for a substance.
Unlike other methods, The Toolkit takes a holistic approach to recovery, recognizing that addiction is linked to external factors that cause stress, such as intergenerational trauma, relational conflict, and political, economic, and social systems that marginalize and oppress people. By acknowledging these underlying issues, we can get to the root causes of addiction rather than simply treating the symptoms.
Our Commitment to Accessibility
Lumos Transforms wants to make sure everyone can take part in our programs. Our sliding-scale pricing helps you contribute in a way that is fair while considering current and historical inequity and your own identities.
FAIR: $200
This ticket is for those who are able to pay the full rate or who are sponsored by an employer, community organization, or personal network.
This ticket is offered at a supported rate and is for those who cannot afford the full cost or do not have their registration sponsored.
This ticket is offered as a scholarship for those who are having trouble meeting their basic needs (housing, food, healthcare), and for whom paying for this class would be a financial hardship.
Here are some things to think about when choosing which ticket to purchase:
Your race
Your immigration status
Your sexuality/gender identities
Your physical ability
Your education level
Your socioeconomic position or current income
How you may have benefitted from family wealth
Your power in your workplace or industry
Whether you are supporting your family financially or as a full-time caregiver
Whether you are located in the Global North or South
Share The Toolkit and get a free month membership to The Alchemical Resilience Collective!
We love referrals, so when you refer 5 people who sign up for The Resilience Toolkit for Recovery or Intro to The Resilience Toolkit at the fair or partially supported rates, you’ll get a one-month membership to The Alchemical Resilience Collective for free. Tell your friends, family, community, and colleagues about The Toolkit and simply have them enter your name during checkout. We’ll contact you once 5 people have signed up.
This referral program is available to everyone, including current ARC participants.
For questions or more info, contact us at info@lumostransforms.com or
Sign up for an upcoming session!
Live closed captioning is offered for the deaf and hard of hearing. Payment plans and scholarships are available.

Registration includes:
Three 90-minute sessions – facilitated live on Zoom
Intimate, small-group setting with personalized facilitation
Digital copy of The Resilience Toolkit Workbook
Eligibility to join The Alchemical Resilience Collective
About The Resilience Toolkit
The Resilience Toolkit for Recovery is an introduction to The Resilience Toolkit– a system for reducing stress and growing resilience in individuals, organizations, and communities so they can envision and create positive change.
The Resilience Toolkit is meant for all body types and is easily adaptable for any fitness level or mobility challenge.
After completing The Resilience Toolkit for Recovery, you can practice it on your own, whenever you need it! Many participants continue their Resilience Toolkit journey by joining The Alchemical Resilience Collective. Some go on to pursue professional training with The Resilience Toolkit Facilitator Certification Program.
The Resilience Toolkit is the framework used at